The vast majority of posters created by AJ Masthay are in the medium of linoleum block prints, specifically Reduction Prints also known as "Suicide Prints".
"In relief printing, a reduction print is a multicolor print in which the separate colors printed from the same block at different stages. Usually, the lightest color of the design is printed first, then the block is "reduced" by carving to the areas which the artist wants to print the second color from, and so forth. The disadvantage of reduction printing as opposed to printing from multiple blocks is that once the first color is printed, the matrix for it is destroyed in the creation of the printing matrix for the second color. It is impossible to undo mistakes." - Wikipedia
Over the years we've created multiple process videos to help explain the effort and love that we put into every edition. A small selection can be viewed below, please visit, and subscribe to, our Youtube channel for more information on our unique process.